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Explain five reasons why the Ndebele and Shona were defeated


Explain five reasons why the Ndebele and Shona were defeated



i) Disunity – Some African communities collaborated with the British against the Shona and Ndebele.

ii) The British used superior weapons that the Africans; Ndebele and Shona.

iii) The existence of social classes among the Ndebele made the aristocracts to ignore their former
slave classes

iv) The British had a large well trained, equipped and more organized military

v) By 1896, Africans had seriously been weakened by natural catastrophies which made them unable to
offer serious resistance.

vi) By 1896, the Indunas regiments lacked military practice/ strength since they had earlier on been
broken and also due to deterioration of the economy.

vii) The British got reinforcement from Botswana and South Africa.

viii) Mwari cult failed to provide the African soldiers with immunity against the British bullets making
them lose hope in fighting
johnmulu answered the question on April 27, 2017 at 06:32

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