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If you push the plunger of a syringe in (in a closed system) what happens when you release the plunger? Why?


If you push the plunger of a syringe in (in a closed system) what happens when you release the plunger? Why?



Once you push a plunger of a syringe in a closed system, it feels some tendency of resistance by the person pushing it. When you release the plunger then, still with the system closed, the plunger tends to draw back to its original place with a decelerating speed. This is due to the principle of matter which defines it as anything that occupies space. Since the syringe is not in a vacuum, we assume that there is air inside. The air has taken up the space within the closed system. When the syringe is pushed, the air in the system compresses and the pressure in the system increases since the space is maintained. When the syringe is released, the pressure inside pushes the syringe back to its position with a tend to balance the pressure inside the system with that of the atmosphere thus, the syringe moves outwards with a high speed as it reduces until the pressure is balanced and it hen rests.
Eng melau answered the question on March 7, 2018 at 15:07

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