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Write a C++ program that accepts an integer and checks whether it is even or odd and then prints an appropriate message


Write a C++ program that accepts an integer and checks whether it is even or odd and then prints an appropriate message.



// a program to check whether a number is even or odd

#include //header file

using namespace std;

int main()
int number; // declare number as integer
cout<<"Enter a number to check whether it is even or odd \n "< cin>>number; //scans the number
if(number%2==0)//condition if the remainder after ? the number with two. If zero, then the number is even
cout<<"THE NUMBER IS EVEN \n"< }
else // if not even then it's odd
cout<<"THE NUMBER IS ODD \n"<

return 0; //return the value to zero. End of program

Joshua_white answered the question on March 8, 2018 at 07:54

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