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State the Golden Rule Interface of Design


State the Golden Rule Interface of Design



Golden Rule Interface of Design
i. Strive for Consistency – ensure consistent sequence of actions for similar situations.
ii. Cater to universal Usability - recognize the needs of a diverse user group.
iii. Offer informative feedback - for every user action, the system should provide
iv. Design dialogs to yield closure
- Action sequences should have a beginning, middle, and end.
- Feedback always provide sense of accomplishment
- Purchasing items via internet has a clearly defined step-by-step process
v. Prevent errors - limit errors a user can make i.e. gray out menu items that don’t
vi. Permit easy reversal of actions - as much as possible, actions should be reversible
vii. Support internal locus of control – allow operators want to feel in control.
viii. Reduce short-term memory load - multiple page displays should be kept simple.
Moraa orina answered the question on April 24, 2018 at 15:41

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