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Define the following terms as they are used in Desktop publishing and graphic design. a. WYSIWYG b. RGB c. LOGO d. BLEED e. ZOOM f.RMM...


Define the following terms as they are used in Desktop publishing and graphic design.
b. RGB
f.RMM (with reference to memory).



a. WYSIWYG What you see is what you get - describes a technology that enables the user to see an image of text and graphics on a computer display exactly as it will appear when printed

b. RGB – Red Greed Blue as way of representing colour mixture digitally

c. LOGO - design symbolizing organization: a design used by an organization on its letterhead, advertising material, and signs as an emblem by which the organization can easily be recognized

d. BLEED - overrun page: to print something, or be printed, so that part of it is cut off by the edge of the page. make colors of illustration run: to print something, or be printed, so that colors run into other colors or over the edge of an illustration

e. ZOOM - make appear bigger or closer or vice versa: to make an object appear bigger or closer, or to decrease the area in view, by use of a zoom lens or a graphic imaging device

f.RMM (with reference to memory).-Read Mostly Memory

g.EBCDIC-Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
lydiajane74 answered the question on May 11, 2018 at 18:36

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