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Explain briefly eight benefits of globalization


Explain briefly eight benefits of globalization.



1. Globalization has promoted interaction among the people hence creating peace and harmony across the world.

2. It has enhanced education whereby the underdeveloped communities can borrow from the advanced nations to boost their education sectors.

3. The new technologies has promoted other sectors like agriculture which has immensely benefited so much for instance the use of cross-breeding and the artificial insemination, Pests and diseases control which has improved production.

4. Cultural exchange. The mobility of people across global mechanism has enhanced people to interact freely as a result, new and foreign ideas are transmitted from nation or community to another.

5. It has united people together by promoting peace, love and unity across nations of the world through sharing and supporting each other and solving issues that arise amongst them.

6. It has promoted trade whereby people from different nations are able to exchange goods and as well import and export at ease.

7. Transport .This one has enhanced mobility of people and goods from one nation to another through water ways, railway lines that are linked between nations.

8. Industrialization has been enhanced through globalization whereby raw materials from vast agricultural product are further processed before being consumed by use of more advanced machines and personnel.

9. Health has been reinforced by globalization by use of advanced machines and medics that curb diseases that affect people and ways to prevent them through aid acquired among nations.

Dullayo answered the question on May 21, 2018 at 11:40

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