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Why did the League of Nations fail to preserve world peace?


Discuss reasons why the League of Nations failed to preserve world peace



(i) The League lacked adequate support since most members were guided by self interests at the expense o international community's interests.

(ii) Lack of sufficient funds to efficiently carry out its programmes.

(iii) Weakness of the covenant in making unanimous decisions against the aggressors.

(iv) Lack of military force or wing to implement its decisions as this depended on good will of the members.

(v) Nationalism enhanced states to follow their own interests rather than global interests like acquisition of colonies and need for markets

(vi) Several major powers remained outside the League like USA,Germany until 1926 and USSR until 1934.

(vii) The League was perceived by the world powers as working to benefit Allied members since they dominated it while at the same time it was closely linked to the Versailles Treaty which made it be regarded as null and void due to resentments.

(viii) Member states were afraid and employed a policy of appeasement towards dictators in Japan,Italy and Germany in order to avoid confrontation.

(ix) The British rejection of the Geneva protocol in which her conservatives preferred to sign the Locarno Treaties of 1925 outside the framework of the League rather than negotiating from within.

(x) Ambassadors at the peace conference continued to frustrate the League efforts by interfering with its work.

(xi) Failure of 1932-1933 World Disarmament Conference in which Germany demanded for equal armament with France.

(xii) Its operations were greatly hampered by the Great Depression of 1929 which ravaged world economies leading to unemployment and falling standards of living in most countries.

(xiii) Failure of USA to ratify the League's charter and rejection of the Treaty of Versailles by the USA senate in March 1920.
USA championed isolation policy while she remained suspicious of the Republican governments and Europe.

maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 24, 2017 at 06:16

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