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Describe the soil profile


Describe the soil profile.



1.The O horizon also known as humus;
>Is a surface horizon that is comprised of organic material at various stages of decomposition.
>It is most prominent in forested areas where there is the accumulation of debris fallen from trees.

2.The A horizon
>Is a surface horizon that largely consists of minerals (sand, silt, and clay) and with appreciable amounts of organic matter.
>This horizon is predominantly the surface layer of many soils in grasslands and agricultural lands.
>It is also known as zone of leaching of soluble salts or the top soil.

3.The E horizon
>Is a subsurface horizon that has been heavily leached.
>Leaching is the process in which soluble nutrients are lost from the soil due to precipitation or irrigation.
>The horizon is typically light in color.
>It has a significant loss of minerals (eluviation).

4.The B horizon
>Is a subsurface horizon that has accumulated deposits from the layer(s) above.
>It is a site of deposition of certain minerals that have leached from the layer(s) above.
>Also known as zone of accumulation of salts (subsoil).

5.The C horizon
>Is a subsurface horizon.
>It is the least weathered horizon.
>Also known as the saprolite, it is unconsolidated with loose parent material.
>It contains weathered parent materials (bedrock).

6.The R Horizon.
>Also known as the hard bedrock, which is not soil.
>Its the unweathered.

Anganifelix answered the question on June 11, 2018 at 11:05

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