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Explain the advantages of division of labour in the production process


Explain the advantages of division of labour in the production process.



1. Increase in Production:
With the adoption of Division of Labour, the total production increases. Adam Smith has written in his book that the advantage of Division of Labour can be ascertained when a worker can produce only twenty pins daily. If the making of pins in a modern factory is divided in various processes, then eighteen workers can produce 20,000 pins in a single day.
2. Reduction in the Cost of Production:
Division of Labour increases production which reduces the average cost of production. Saving of capital tools and machinery etc. also help in the reduction of cost of production.
3. Maximum Utilization of Machinery:
The Division of Labour is the result of the large scale production which implies more use of machines. The Division of Labour increases the possibility of the use of machines in the small-scale production also. Therefore, in modern times the use of machines is increasing continuously due to the increase in the Division of labour.
4. Large Scale Production:
Due to use of plant and machinery under Division of labour production starts increasing which results in less cost of production. Less cost of production increases profit to producer.
5. Saving of Time:
There is no need for the worker to shift from one process to another. He is employed in a definite process with certain tools. He therefore goes on working without loss of time, sitting at one place. Continuity in work saves time and helps in more production at less cost.
6. Encouragement to Inventions:
In Division of labour each work is divided into small parts which help much in the invention of new things. In this connection Robbin’s has said—”By Division of Labour the work is divided in small divisions which helps much in new inventions.”
7. Production of Goods of Superior Quality:
Division of Labour is beneficial in making goods of superior quality. When the worker is entrusted with the work for which he is best suited he will produce superior quality goods.
8. Best Selection of the Workers:
Division of Labour helps the producers in the best selection of workers. As the work is divided into different parts and each part is taken up by such a worker who is more suitable for it, the producer can select very easily the man who is best suited for the work.
9. Increase in Profit:
Division of Labour gives more profit to the producer of the goods as the cost of production of the commodity diminishes.

Everlyne Chepkwony answered the question on August 9, 2018 at 10:14

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