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Functions of marketing boards in kenya


Functions of marketing boards in kenya



1.Pooling Resources
Marketing boards in Kenya provide an opportunity for member businesses to pool their marketing resources. Boards frequently run ads in several media including television, radio, newspapers, magazines and websites including social media. Individually, member businesses might not be able to afford such comprehensive or even partial media campaigns. However, when teamed up with other growers, producers or companies, businesses can reap the benefits of a well-coordinated media marketing program.

Many agricultural producers in Kenya sell their products to large food companies or directly to commercial buyers, including restaurants and distributors. However, consumer taste and demand for their product still impacts sales. Consumers with a positive regard and taste for cheese cause restaurants and other food businesses to incorporate cheese in their offerings, which in turn drives business for producers.

Particularly in agriculture, both small and large farming and food-producing operations lack a brand. That's in part because consumers don't need to know the names of all the businesses that produce hazelnuts or shrimp, since these companies sell to larger distributors, not the public. However, branding can inspire consumer demand. Marketing board media campaigns can turn a general product such as Louisiana shrimp into a brand in itself. The Louisiana Seafood Marketing Board tries to make it so that supermarket shoppers check packages for Louisiana shrimp, rather than foreign imports -- which helps its relatively anonymous member businesses.

4. Networking
Although marketing boards in Kenya are not chambers of commerce or even necessarily industry associations, member organizations can become involved in meetings and campaign direction. As a result, marketing boards provide opportunities for companies within an industry to network, form alliances and learn about opportunities. Developing industry contacts can have long-term benefits, as members who don't need anything today can find someone to call for assistance or cooperation at some unexpected point in the future.
nathan1 answered the question on June 19, 2018 at 15:52

Grading of produce
Conduct of research
Finding of good prices products
Funds infrastructural projects
Provide inputs to the industry

hydah kerubo answered the question on June 19, 2018 at 15:52

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