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Explain the two theories of socialisation


Explain the two theories of socialisation



The nature of the socialisation can be explained in two ways. Each of the ways looks at the part played by the socialize (I the individual being socialised) and the socialiser (the one who is in charge of the processes.) these ways explaining the process can be looked at the theories, and can be divided into passive and active theories of socialisation.

Passive theories of socialisation
The passive theories of socialisation view the socializee as a conservative recipient of the societys accumulated knowledge. The process of socialisation is seen as one through which the society realises and creates itself in the individual. These theories create the impression of the socialisation process being conservative, with the same body of knowledge being transmitted form generation to generation. The structural functionalist perspectives discussed in chapter twenty-four of this category, with their emphasis in maintenance of social harmony, and individual subordination of the social structure.
An American sociologist, Talcott Parsons, argued that through the process of socialisation, individuals come to internalise social objects. Besides, he asserts individuals learn to perform predetermined social roles in order to preserve societys common culture.
The passive theories portray society as an all entity with a different existence form those of its members. By some mechanism, society controls and moulds human beings as if they dont have a conscious to react to what is presented to them. People are always over-socialised by the society that us intiely influencesd by the forces beyond their control

Active theories of socialisation
Active theories of socialisation accord individuals a role in deciding what they learn and how they come to accept it. Human beings, right form infancy do not just respond to conorm to social values. they participate in creating those values, it is through the active interaction of the socilizee and the socialiser that the social change is possible that the culture changes also. Again the active theories are routes in the conflict and interpretative (i.e. symbolic interaction) perspectives, covered in chapter.
Moraa orina answered the question on August 21, 2018 at 12:36

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