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Explain the various types of energy


Explain the various types of energy.



Chemical energy:
Chemical energy is also called stored energy. It is found in such substances such as food and fuel like firewood, charcoal and kerosene. Chemical energy is released when these substances burn or when food is digested.

Heat energy:
Some of heat energy sources are: Electricity and burning fuels like gas, fire wood, charcoal and biogas. The main source of heat is sun. the difference in temperature makes the heat to travel from one region to another i.e. from region of high temperature to region of low temperature.

Light energy:
Following are some identified sources of light which may e either natural or artificial sources. These sources include: the sun, stars, fire flies, glow worms, candles, fires, electric light bulbs and paraffin lamps.

Magnetic energy:
Magnets are able to push or pull thus causing movement. This is called magnetic force. This magnetic force is only applied to magnetic materials. We say that magnets have the ability to do work and so magnetism is a form of energy.

Sound energy:
This form of energy is produced when heat energy to light an object vibrates e.g. blowing, hitting or plucking an object produces sound. Musical instruments produce sound energy.
raphael answered the question on October 9, 2018 at 06:04

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