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State and explain the branches of sociology


State and explain the branches of sociology



1. Sociology of knowledge:
This is the branch of sociology that studies the social processes involved in the production of knowledge.

2. Sociology of the family:
This is a major branch of sociology which studies the family as a basis social institution in any society. This branch examines the family in terms of its evolution as an institution, its structure, functions, problems, ways of rearing children, education approaches, significance within the society, and relationship with the wider society, and various other concerns.

3. Sociology of Education:
This is a highly developed branch of sociology which examines an important social activity and institution in many societies – education. The sociology of education systematically observes, analyzes and describes or explains education with regard to- its social use and significance in society; its relationship with the other social institutions of a society; - its impact or influence on a society; - its inherent social problems- the social relationships and organization in schools; - teachers and their relations to parents and the teaching profession in general. We shall have a lot more to discuss about the sociology of education in subsequent lectures

4. Sociology of Religion:
This is a branch of sociology that deals with religious phenomena.

5. Rural Sociology: this is a branch of sociology concerned with the study of rural communities and agriculture.

6. Sociology of health and medicine: the application of sociological approaches to the understanding of the experience, distribution and treatment of illness.

7. Sociology Development: this is a branch of sociology concerned with the examination of social change front agrarian to industrial societies and particularly applied to study of the Third World.

8. Sociology of Art: this is an area of sociological analysis which includes within its compass a concern for exploring the visual arts and sometimes also music, theatre, cinema and literature.

9. Sociological Theories: this is a range of abstract general approaches and competing schools of thought which exist in sociology.

10. Sociobiology this is theory and research in the field of evolutionary biology which seeks to provide biological explanations for the evolution of social behaviour and organization in animals and humans.

11. Sociolinguistics: this is a field of study informed by both sociology and psychology concerned with the social and cultural aspects and functions of language.

12. Sociology of Science: this is a branch of sociology that is concerned with the study of the social processes involved in the production of scientific knowledge as well as the social implications of this knowledge, including technology.

13. Sociology law this is the sociological study of the social context, development and operation of law: the system of rules and sanctions, the specialists' institutions and specialist personnel, and the several types of law (e.g. constitutional, civil, and criminal) which constitute the legal system in complex societies.

14. Sociology of Crime and Deviance: this is a branch of study which has traditionally focused on a number of aspects of the nature and causes of crime and the criminal element in society.

15. Sociology of Work: this is the sociological analysis of work and its organization, especially in terms of wage employment.

16. Economics Sociology: this is the sociological study of the relations between the economy and other social institutions.

17. Mathematical Sociology: this is the use of mathematical procedures and mathematical models in sociology.

18. Urban Sociology: this is the study of social relationships and structures in the city.

Wilfykil answered the question on March 2, 2019 at 07:50

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