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Explain Hinduism


Explain Hinduism



This is a polytheistic religion whose followers belief in three main deities;

1.Brahma-the creator and lord of the universe, Vinshu-the preserver and Siva-the destroyer. Theoretically, Hinduism is monotheistic that takes Brahma as the all-pervading world spirit who is also the ultimate reality. However, the notion of god abiding everywhere and in everything led the uneducated to polytheism. Members of the upper class took Hinduism to be a mystical philosophy while the commoners took it as superstition.

2.The Vedas, a body of ancient Hindu religious teachings show that the Aryans were stratified in a caste system with clearly prescribed duties and roles. Brahmans who formed the first caste were composed of intellectual rulers, teachers and priests. They were followed by Kshatriyas who were warlords, warriors and administrators. The Vaisyas were the third caste made up of; farmers, herders, money-handlers, and tradesmen. Lastly, the Sudras were composed of menial servants, and serfs. The Hindu caste system was very rigid and prohibited members of one group
from eating, sleeping or marrying those outside the group. A member could also not rise above one's class but could sink to a lower level or even become an outcast or pariah (untouchable) in the event that such members contravened the prescribed social customs.

3.The caste system also meant inequality of opportunity including education. Careers were determined by a person's skin, co lour and birth. The sudras and women were not given chances to receive education.
Hinduism revolves around the quest for Brahma which is achieved through meditation and contemplation. History among the Hindu is cyclic in nature, a wheel of rebirth that strengthens the belief in the reincarnation which depended on one's behavior in the previous live.

marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 08:15

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