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Define Buddhism.


Define Buddhism .



-Buddhism started as a reform movement within Hinduism around 500 BC which no longer appealed to the independent minded city dwellers. By 200 BC, the religion had spread to other parts of India. Gautama Siddharta (563-483) is the founder of this religion and it is his followers who later on gave him the name Buddha meaning the "Enlightened One".
Gautama was a member of the warrior class but became restless and at the age of 29 years, he resorted to ascetic life for meditation through yoga to try and understand the causes and existence of suffering. He got so frustrated and gave up the practice when he failed to get an answer. But later on, he received a revelation to the effect that the cause of suffering was desire. This set him on a preaching mission where he called on his followers from being controlled by one's desires, exalted moderation and called on the people to work towards understanding, enlightenment up to the desireless state, Nirvana. He called on the people to conduct their lives moderately, rightly, ethically and kindly. He taught that suffering could not be avoided and called on his followers to help alleviate it by being pitiful and compassionate. People suffer or enjoy depending on their reincarnations. The world was an illusion to be suffered and endurance to suffering gives hope for Nirvana where all desires will be terminated.

The Buddhist belief in equality unlike in Hinduism meant that everyone had a right to education irrespective of one's caste for the purpose of producing compassionate, sympathetic and selfless persons.
Jainism was another ancient Indian religion that started as a reform movement in Hinduism but was overshadowed by the first two religions discussed above.

A common characteristic to Indian religions was an aspect of life denying and the way they took the world to be unreal. Death is seen as an escape of the suffering soul and a passport to possible enlightenment. These teachings have influenced Indian life which is generally characterized by compassion, gentleness, non-violent, gratitude and a strong belief in reincarnations and punishment for one's evil actions. Indian life is conservative and pays less attention to personal success.

marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 08:17

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