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Discuss the factors that led to the Agrarian Revolution in North America


Discuss the factors that led to the Agrarian Revolution in North America




i) The introduction of the enclosure system in Britain forced landless to migrate to North America where they introduced new farming methods,

ii) Availability of land for farming of different crop varieties such as tobacco, cotton and wheat,

iii) Government recognition of individual land ownership (The homestead Act 1860) encouraged settlers to farm

iv) The granting of financial aid to farmers to buy and develop land/credit facilities

v) The introduction of slave labour ensured adequate supply of labour for farming

vi) Determination by the European immigrants to succeed in agriculture as there was no other source of livelihood,

vii) The increase in demand of agricultural raw materials by European industrialists encouraged expansion in agriculture

viii) The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 by Eli Whitney Marke led to increase cotton acreage,

ix) The mechanization of agriculture stimulated agricultural productivity Eg the steel plough and the mechanical reaper

x) The development of food preservation methods of canning and refrigeration encouraged farmers to produce more

xi) The development of good transport and communication network led to increased agricultural productivity as products reached markets on time,

xii) The application of science and research of agricultural (Eg biotechnology development of new foods from existing crops, use of fertilizers and genetic engineering in livestock production) facilitated the Agrarian Revolution,

xiii) Increase in population created demand for food which led to expansion of agriculture
lemass answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 08:24

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