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Describe the various nutritional elements.


Describe the various nutritional elements.



i) Carbohydrates
- Are energy foods
- Produces heat for all body processes
- Produces energy for maintaining animal alive
- Crude fibre in carbohydrates prevents constipation
- Excess converted to fats and stored
- Source includes roughage, cereals, tubers, lactose from milk.

ii) Proteins
- Are body building feeds
- Provides raw materials for synthesis of animal
- Products e.g milk, eggs, etc
- Used in synthesis/ growth of cells
- Used to produce energy
- For formation of enzymes and antibodies
- Maintain body tissues/ repair and replacement
- Deficiency leads to stunted growth, low fertility, low production, wearing out of body tissues and poor resistance to diseases.

iii) Fats
- Source of energy
- Sources include sunflower, fish meal, seeds, etc

iv) Vitamins.
- Classified as water soluble or fat soluble
- Functions are to promote growth, help in blood clotting, bone formation, muscular activities, prevent diseases and act as catalysts.
- Sources are most food eaten.

v) Minerals.
- Maintain osmotic pressure, regulate metabolism, bone formation and development, teeth development, increase food conversion, increase in appetite.
- Deficiency leads to reduced appetite, loss of weight, decrease in production, poor growth and loss of condition.
- Sources include mineral supplements.

vi) Water
- Regulation of body temperature
- Make cells turgid and maintain body shape
- Transport of nutrients
- Biochemical reactions
- As a lubricant

vii) Factors influencing intake.
- Size of animal
- Productivity e.g milk
- Type of food given to animal
- Physiological status of animal e.g pregnant
- Ambient temperature
- Species/ kind of animal
Kavungya answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 08:34

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