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Explain the functions of the executive in Kenya


Explain the functions of the executive in Kenya



1.Nation building.

This is the process of creating an organic entity out of the different groups through various activities and programmes. The people are given sense of oneness; they become a community, a nation with a common interest and broad general goals. To achieve this, the people must be given functional access to one set of laws, equality before that law, and a protection of all individual and communal rights to life property and liberties.


The civil service protects the national borders from outside aggressor; protect the lives and property, rights and liberties of the individuals and the community


The rationale, objectives and government programmes are explained and and implemented by the civil service or executive The needs, aspirations and capacities of the people and of the functional local institutions are identified through the civil service . The provincial administration is the essential link between the policy makers and planners and the people.

4.Administration :

The core function is to implement or execute law and policy, which is related to administering government business..


The political significance of the executive largely comes from its role as the policy-advisers to the government. Government decisions thus reflect the influences of executive .

6.Political Stability.

The executive provides stability and continuity within the political system and with change of government, there is no change of policy immediately.

johnmulu answered the question on January 24, 2017 at 05:13

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