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Describe six preparations made by Interim Independent electoral commission of Kenya (I. I. E.C.) before general elections are made in Kenya.


Describe six preparations made by Interim Independent electoral commission of Kenya
(I. I. E.C.) before general elections are made in Kenya.



- Marking boundaries of constituencies
- Registration of voters
- Creating new constituencies if need be
- Choosing/recruiting of election officials such as returning officers, presiding officers,
election clerks e.t.c
- Preparation of election materials e.g ballot papers and boxes
- Nomination of candidates to contest various seats in the election
- Arranging for security of ballot papers and boxes and for general voting day
- Organizing for transportation of electoral officials and materials
- Examination of voters registers to remove dead voters from the register
Kavungya answered the question on April 5, 2019 at 08:37

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