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State and briefly explain any eight effects of missionary activities in the 19th and 20th century in Kenya


State and briefly explain any eight effects of missionary activities in the 19th and 20th century in Kenya



a) Spread of Christianity: Christianity was spread to most of the parts of the interior, the teachings and other activities of the missionaries
b) Erosion of African culture: due to the influence of missionaries, Africans gave up some of the practices such as circumcision and burial rites
c) Introduction of western education: missionaries built schools next to their missions where formal education was introduced. They taught Africans how to read and write. Examples of early mission schools in Kenya are Maseno, Tumutumu
d) Rehabilitation centers: missionaries built rehabilitation centers where they taught vocational skills, Christianity and reading
e) Medical services: missionaries built hospitals where western medicine was administered to cure and control diseases
f) Development of transport services: the missionaries were pioneered the construction of roads to their missions. This was necessary as it assisted to receive supplies from their home countries
g) Improvement of agriculture: missionaries introduced new crops like coffee and new farming methods like the use of manure and the control of soil erosion
h) Translation of the bible: missionaries translated the bible into Kiswahili and local languages which enhanced the spread of Christianity

Dana05 answered the question on May 2, 2019 at 13:32

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