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A number of industries in Nairobi and Machakos counties have recently been found to direct their effluents into Nairobi River and Athi River respectively. State...


A number of industries in Nairobi and Machakos counties have recently been found to direct their effluents into Nairobi River and Athi River respectively. State two effects of each of the following substances present in the industrial effluents.

(a) Lead.

(b) Oils.



- Affects physiological functioning the organs where they accumulate

- Interferes with mental development in children

- Blocks stomatal pores of aquatic plants hindering gaseous exchange and photosynthesis thus plant death.

b) Oil.
- Reduces light penetration in the water hence reduces the rate of photosynthesis in hydrophytes.

- Reduces O2 supply in the water causing death of aquatic animals.

- Clogs the respiratory surfaces of the aquatic animals.

- Clog the feathers of aquatic birds hence difficulty in flight.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 13, 2019 at 14:56

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