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THE NOVEL; THE PEARL. Appearances can be deceptive. Using examples from the novel, write an essay in support of this statement.



Appearances can be deceptive.
Using examples from the novel, write an essay in support of this statement.



The contrast between what is outward and the real appearances\hypocrisy\pretence must come out

1. When Kino gets the pearl of the world, it is glittering. To him, the pearl encapsulates the solution to his poverty. However, the pearl makes him violent and non responsive to advice. In an attempt to protect his precious pearl his son that was the foundation of his hope is killed. He returns miserable and throws the pearl back to the sea.

2. The doctor refuses to treat Kino’s son when he is stung by a scorpion because they did not have money but when he learns that Kino has got the pearl of the world, he proclaims that he is his client and immediately goes to visit him, offers to treat the child and demands to be paid.

3. The priest is a man of God, when he learns that Kino has the pearl, he strives to be part of it by finding how he will benefit from the pearl. He wonders what it is worth around be and whether he had baptized his son or named in church. He tells him that he is named after a great biblical character.

4. The dealers learn that Kino has the pearl and they plan to exploit him. They undervalue the pearl but they hope they will benefit. They itch at the prospect of enriching themselves from the pearl. They organize some semblance of order and pretend that they are independent.

5. The neighbors around him follow him whenever he goes. Kino thinks he has attained a heroic status because he has got the pearl that will change his life. In real sense they want to steal the pearl from him.

marto answered the question on September 11, 2019 at 08:32

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