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A (i)Outline five reasons why hospital confinement is advisable. (ii) State five qualities of a well-made collar. (iii) Explain five considerations to make when furnishing a room.


(i)Outline five reasons why hospital confinement is advisable.

(ii) State five qualities of a well-made collar.

(iii) Explain five considerations to make when furnishing a room.

iv)Give five points to ensure the purchase of quality goods by consumers



i) Why hospital confinement is advisable.
- There is plenty of qualified staff to assist incase of an emergency.
- Hospitals have facilities for emergency delivery.
- Best environment that is hygienic.
- Visitors are controlled thus mother and baby not likely to be contaminated with diseases.
- Mother and baby have enough time to rest.
- The mother feels safer psychologically.
- Baby receives immunization immediately.
- The mother is trained on child care and proper hygiene.
- Hospital delivery minimizes before and after delivery complications such as physical and mental damage to mother and the baby.

(ii) Qualities of a well-made collar.
- Should retain its shape
- Applied accurately to lie smoothly on the neckline.
- It should be accurately and systematically positioned with the neck curve smooth.
- The under collar shouldn’t show on R.S. and neither the facings.
- Stitches used to hold the under collar or facing shouldn’t be visible on Right side of the garment.

(iii) Consideration to make when furnishing a house.
- The size of the room
- The colour scheme of the surfaces.
- The use of the room
- The personal preferences.
- Occupants of the room.
- The effect desired.
- The existing decor.

(iv) How to ensure the purchase of quality goods by customers.
- Buy from reliable and approved dealers who offer quality items.
- Test and check for goods condition and performance of an item before buying.
- Check on the expiry date.
- Check for any defect.
- Insist on instructional manual.
- Insist on receipt to show payment.
- Insist on a guarantee of a given time.
marto answered the question on September 13, 2019 at 08:56

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