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Describe the roles of heat, primers and the bacterium Thermus aquaticus in the process of Polymerase Chain Reaction


Describe the roles of heat, primers and the bacterium Thermus aquaticus in the process of Polymerase Chain Reaction




Heat: It denatures PCR. The ds DNA is heated at the temperature 95oC, both the strands separate.

Primers: Primers are the small oligonucleotides of varying length of about 10-18 nucleotide bases that are complementary to a region of template DNA and helps in the extension of new chain.

Thermus aquaticus: A specialized thermostable enzyme Taq DNA polymerase is isolated from the bacterium Thermus aquaticus which can tolerate high temperatures and forms new strand.
otienosam answered the question on April 5, 2020 at 13:35

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