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State and explain four types of ideologies


State and explain four types of ideologies




Nationalism, which is derived from nation, is a complex doctrine about the character, the rights and obligations as well as a political movement which seeks to assert, defend and promote specific obligations of nations as well as a political movement which seeks to assert, defend and promote specific national goals and interests. Political nationalism aims at protecting the sovereignty of a nation. Cultural nationalism aim at preserving the cultural identity of a group and economic nationalism seek to protect national economies and industries against foreign competition through protectionism.

Socialism is a critiques of industrial capitalism such as the market economy, free competition and enterprise and profiteering. Socialism is e opposed to the individualism of bourgeoisie liberal ideology. Socialism deplores the exploitation and degradation of workers and the growing gap between the rich and the poor. Socialism advocates for the creation of a society which was based on co-operation, comradeship and social justice. Socialism calls for an end to
the exploitation of man by man and insist that production should be geared to the satisfaction of the needs of the community as a whole rather than to profit maximization. Socialism sees private property as the principal cause of inequality and calls for the collective ownership of the means of production in order to ensure distributive justice.


As a system of thought and a form of scientific socialism. Marxism was grounded in the concept of historical materialism. In essence, historical materialism stressed the centrality of economic forces in the organization of all societies throughout history. For Karl Marx, and Fredrick Engels, the material economic conditions (including technology) determined ideas, religion, philosophy, legal systems and political institutions. They called the former the substructure and the latter the super structure of society.

4.African Socialism

African socialism was reaction to European liberal and capitalist ideas that tended to exploit Africans by setting development goals that were unrealistic to the local conditions. African leaders such as Leopold Senghor of Senegal (Negritude), Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia (Humanism), Julius Nyerere of Tanzania Ujamaa and Mbutu Se Seko of the then Zaire (Mobutism) stressed on traditional values and marrying them within the development discourse. These values were symbiotic relations, humanism and egalitarianism. These ideas cast the state in the centre of development. Public enterprise came to dominate centrally planned economies as large elements of private enterprise were nationalized. African socialism came to be hampered by the nature of international economy, inability to mobilize the peasantry, internal social division, elite politics.

Titany answered the question on August 27, 2021 at 07:16

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