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Describe the patterns of education during the ancient time


Describe the patterns of education during the ancient time



The evaluation of man’s culture therefore of his education dates from his own origin of earth. Indeed, it dates from long before the recorded history. In fact religion, economy and values of society and the general life styles from the near Eastern societies showed a succession of formal education system earlier from those of west.
At first education is an instrument of cultural transmission was imparted informally. This went on until the demand of the society became too complex. It is the complexity within the society which led to the establishment of the modern types of formal education through school system.
Furthermore knowledge explosion meant that the family in particular and the society at large could not cope with the use and the rate of the transmission of the emergent specializations in education. It was this need therefore which helped to pave the way for the establishment of the formal institutions to deal with the training in reading, writing and arithmetic.
The supportive principles of division of labour that followed the technological and the urban revolution which included the agricultural developments which go together. This led to the development of the class of teachers who were to handle this new social development.
At first, the teachers were taught selected few. The few were those children from the families of the ruling and the wealthy class. Therefore the teachers supplemented the society. The content of their teachings involved those areas which were relevant to the needs of both the family and society in general. These areas included the following:
i. Commercial
ii. Administrative
iii. Literature
iv. Numeracy
v. Religion
The invention of writing became an important stimulus towards establishments of schools. It is here where the skills in writing, reading and arithmetic became very useful for commercial, administrative and for the record keeping purposes in many places.
Therefore, school became an overriding necessity for the purpose of teaching people how to read and write. Unfortunately, recorded tradition soon became authoritarian once again creating a status quo.
However, the method in the teaching of the time was only memorization and repetition . This had the meaning that the learner had to repeat word for word from the teacher. This was no attempt by the teacher to encourage the learner to relate his new knowledge to real life situation. Nor was there a provision for the application for what had been learnt to problem solving in real life situation.
Failure to learn or to understand the teaching material was always blamed to the laziness of the learner.
For that reason there was strict school and class discipline. Therefore education was a means of producing submissive, conforming and yet productive citizens for the cohesive society.

Titany answered the question on August 30, 2021 at 07:11

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