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Explain the three methods of measuring the depth of water in a river


Explain the three methods of measuring the depth of water in a river.



There are three methods for measuring water levels:
1. Dip tube
2. Water well sounder
3. Sonic Sounder

1. drip tube.
A dip tube can be constructed using a minimum 18 mm (3/4 in.) potable grade plastic pipe or hose that is lowered into the well, to below the pumping water level.
It should be taped to the pump line with electrical tape and have a capped bottom with two, 6 mm (1/4 in.) holes perforated on the bottom to let water in and out, allowing it to fluctuate with the water inside of the well.The dip tube should extend down to 1.5 m (5 ft.) above the top of the pump.
A measuring device, such as a weighted line or a well sounder tape, can then be lowered inside of the dip tube to measure the water level, with no threat of getting it entangled in the electrical wires or pumping equipment
A dip tube can be installed by a licensed water well contractor at the time of construction or, on existing wells during well maintenance.

2. water level sounder
A convenient method for measuring the water level is to use a water well sounder (also called a water tape). One can be purchased from various suppliers in the market.
Although it is relatively expensive, it is a good investment. It’s an accurate and convenient way to take water level measurements.

3. sonic water level sounder
The sonic well sounder is convenient because it does not need to be lowered down the well. It is simple to use for most well constructions and only requires that the well cap be removed.
This instrument sends a pulse of sound down the well and records the time required for the sound to echo back from the water surface, using time to calculate the distance to the water level.It is non–invasive and easy to operate but may be more expensive and less accurate than a well sounder.
Water well sounders and sonic sounders may be available for sale or rent from water well drilling companies and water well industry suppliers.
Tape sounders (water well sounders) should be sanitized before and after each use.
Frederick paul answered the question on January 12, 2022 at 11:14

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