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Explain how the following factors influence the soil formation. (i) Climate. (ii) Topography.


Explain how the following factors influence the soil formation.
(i) Climate.
(ii) Topography.



(i) Climate
- It influences types and rate of weathering.
- High rainfall influences leaching process run offs resulting from high rainfall increases rate of erosion.
- It influences rate of decomposition.
- High temperature increases rate of weathering / occelanate bacterial activity.
- Water transports and deposits soil particles on other areas hence new soils.

(ii) Topography
- Bottom valley / gentle slopes encourage formation of deep soils (fertilizers) due to deposition / accumulation of minerals,
steep slopes encourages soil erosion of top layers hence soil erosion of soils.
- Flat plains are associated with water hence slow down soil formation
- Slopes influence management of soil catena.
- Some slopes are more exposed to rain / sun hence influencing weathering of parent rock.
Kavungya answered the question on November 14, 2022 at 11:55

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