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Why did the rich meccan quraish oppose the prophet?


Why did the rich meccan quraish oppose the prophet?



- He was young compared to them and they never wanted to be ruled by a young man.
- He was poor and never wanted to be led by a poor man.
- He was illiterate and they never wanted to be led by an illiterate person.
- They expected him to be extra ordinary but he was an ordinary being like them.
- Prophets were not respected in their places of origin, so they had to oppose him since he was their own.
- They were rich and never wanted anything to do with his God.
- The prophet used to abuse and preach against their gods.
- He used to threaten them with heavy punishments like hell fire which annoyed them.
- They looked at the Islamic principles like prayer, fasting etc as a burden to them.
- The prophet was getting more converts and becoming famous which scared them.
- The priests were no longer getting sacrifices from people and they decided to oppose the prophet.
- The prophet preached against their economic evils like usury, gambling etc.
- The prophet preached against their social evils like zinah which annoyed them.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 13:41

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