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How did the rich Meccans oppose the prophet?


How did the rich Meccans oppose the prophet?



At first, their opposition was none violet and it involved;
- They told him to worship their gods and they will return worship his
- Asked him to perform hard tasks like miracles.
- Told his uncle to tell him stop abusing their gods.
- Requested his uncle to withdraw his support and protection from the prophet.
- Told to give AbuTalib another boy and he gives Muhammad to them
- Promised him a beautiful woman or a lot of wealth if it was the reason he was preaching against their gods.
- Composed songs and poems abusing the prophet.

When all the above failed, they turned violet e.g.
- A woman called Umm-Jamil used to put thorns and human waste in his path.
- They used to stone his house.
- Used to throw garbage and rotten things in the prophet’s kitchen.
- Stoned him when he went to preach e.g. in Taif.
- Used to pour an after birth of a camel on his back when he was praying.
- Was almost strangled by Abu Jahal when praying at Qabah.

When the above failed, they turned to his followers eg
- Bilal Bin Rabbah was made to lie on hot sand and a big stone was put on his chest and kids played on it.
- He was tied behind a camel and drugged through the city of Mecca.
- Summaya Yasir’s wife was pierced in the private parts by Abu Jahal and died in severe pain.
- Yasir’s legs were tied onto two camels and were cained to run in the opposite side /direction and he was torn into two parts.
- A woman’s tongue was cut out.
- They decided to carry out a social boycott on the Muslims.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 13:43

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