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What were the results of the Fitina period?


What were the results of the Fitina period?



- It led to the introduction of hereditary system of administration in Islam which replaced the Shura.
- The seat of Islam was transferred from Madiinah to Kufah and then later to Damascus by the Umayyads.
- It led to the introduction of dynastic rule in Islam which replaced republic rule.
- It led to the loss of lives of prominent Muslims like Ali, Zubair and Talha.
- There was a setback in the spread of Islam due constant wars.
- The Ansars lost power and influence to the people of Syria.
- State treasury became a private property.
- Corruption and embezzlement of Muslim fund and resources increased.
- It ended the peaceful period introduced by the orthodox caliphs.
- It led to the emergence of the religious sects among the Muslims e.g Kharijites, and Shia.
- It increased enemity between the Umayyads and Banu Hashim clans.
- It gave chance to the enemies of Islam like the Christians to organize and fight it.
- It tarnished the name of Islam before other people.
- It contributed to the loss of Muslim territories to the Christians like Spain and Turkey.
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 12:03

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