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Factors to consider when choosing a file organisation method.


Date Posted: 3/4/2012 11:25:04 AM

Posted By: SimonMburu  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 838

There are several methods of file organisation and each one is suited for a particular task or purpose. Here are the factors to consider before choosing a file organisation method;

1. Frequency of update: A file that needs to be updated every now and then needs an organisation method that will allow easy retrieval of information and ease of updating, example of such a file is the transaction file.

2. File activity: Different files have different activities, example a sort file is used to sort data in sequential order and therefore sequential method would be appropriate for such a file.

3. File access method: Definitely different files have different methods of being accessed, example a reference file is accessed using random method for easy retrieval of data.

4. Nature of the system: Files that are used in a particular system will depend on the nature of the system i.e the suitable organisation method for that particular system.

5. Master file medium: The master file is the main file for keeping permanent updates of records from transaction files and other sources, the medium by which it is updated will determine the organisation method to be used.

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