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Maize farmers in Kericho and Bomet suffer a loss due to outbreak of a fungal disease.


Date Posted: 5/26/2012 11:49:42 PM

Posted By:  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1949

Maize farmers in Kericho and Bomet are counting their losses after an outbreak of a strange type of disease that is affecting their crop. The disease is now spreading faster has observed by the farmers who are crying to the government to help them curb the menace. The disease has been identified as a fungal infection caused by unknown strain of fungus but the experts have been deployed to the ground to do some research and come up with a lasting solution.

The disease is characterized by yellowing of leaves at 3 feet high, scorching of leaves, wilting and die off. It has been noted that when the affected crop is fed to livestock it kills them and thus the high caution has been given to farmers to stop feeding the animals and even to avoid direct contact with the affected plants. Speculations from the farmers for the outbreak is that the disease is due to the fact that the seeds they used were not certified as there was shortage of the hybrid seeds number 614 they have been planting all season round also they are blaming the ministry of agriculture for letting cartels sell them uncertified seeds.

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