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How to ensure your online life is secure!


Date Posted: 10/21/2012 10:17:39 AM

Posted By: Razen  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3454

?How to secure you life online.

Being online, though inside your safely locked room can be insecure. What you
Do to ensure you don''t get yourself
Into trouble is to be safe via the things
You do online.

Someone can ''break into'' your phone
Or computer, steal your personal
Information and use it for malicious
Purposes. In order to ensure such things
Don''t happen, strict security measures
Should be put into

Below are some of the common
Errors most people make and hence
Find themselves getting robbed,
Defiled or exposed.

1. Be careful with what you ''speak''.
People have been imprisoned because
Of writing insulting, discriminative,
Tribalistic, etc comments, posts, articles
Etc on the internet.
Insulting anyone or any tribe via the
Social networks, blogs, etc is a crime
And can lead to a court order.

2. Do not trust anyone.
Most websites that ask for your personal
Details sell them to third parties.
I actually registered in one of the
Survey sites with my real name, of which
Is not the most case, and am sure they
Sold my details to other people.
These people send me emails
Containing deals that most people can
Think are ''life time opportunities''.
Someone recently told me that he has
About 55 million dollars and looking
For someone to help him invent it
Actually promising to give me some
20% of the money.
It''s good to have a ''crap'' email address
That you will be using for untrusted
Sites. This way the spammers will
Flood it with their junk instead of your
Official in box.

3. Do not ever disclose your personal and most secure information to anyone.
Some hackers will claim to be support
Staffs from pay pal, facebook, etc
And send you a link containing a login form.
Please, do not ever send your personal
Details to anyone. Your mpesa, pay pal or email passwords are targeted the most.

4. Use http secure connections [https].
Most websites and browsers have fully secured their websites. Uc browser is more secure because their

servers collect your requests first. This way it''s very hard for viruses to intercept and or collect your personal information.

5. It''s good not to fall into get rich quick scams. Someone asking you to send some money, details, etc online in order to submit your reward is actually lying.
How comes you want to get
A reward for something
You never even knew existed?
Work hard for yourself.

One more thing, check out
For websites that give you
Promises of paying you,
Yet you don''t get paid.

Someone once told me to
Trust only on someone
That fulfills his promises and
Never gives you a viable
Reason not to.
You might kind be mixed up
On what am talking about.
Am talking of online writing, survey, etc providing companies.

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