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10 critical mistakes students make during the exam period


Date Posted: 11/16/2013 3:56:14 AM

Posted By: wishstar  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 7507

Everybody fears exams, by everybody, I mean it. That doesn't mean that we should do certain things during this period. What sorts of things are we talking about here?
Well, things that may actually make the exam harder than it actually is.

Here are ten things you shouldn't do during the exam period.

1. Setting your mind that you will cheat in the exams Okay, not that many students set their mind that they are going to cheat in the exam. However, those who do end up having a hard time when their plan is suddenly interrupted. If this happens, the questions that they actually knew the answers become harder as their mind is set on cheating in the exam. Whatever you do, please don't try this in the exam room, actually, anywhere else.

2. Reading new things on the day of the examination. So you think that you have not studied enough. What do you do then and you are already in the exam room? Well, just stay with what you have and don't even try to read a new thing which you haven't passed through. If you do so, you'll only be cramming and you may end up causing confusion in your mind which may result to you forgetting what you had learnt before.

3. Sleeping late on the eve of the exam. The brain has got to have its own time to rest. It also gets tired. At least six hours of sleep is recommended. Ensure that you have adequate sleep so that you don't feel fatigued on the day of the exams.

4. Wanting to be perfect. Not any human being on this planet is perfect. We can't know everything that is put in front of

us. Appreciate the things that you have understood and also those that you haven't. Don't stress yourself as it is obvious that we can't know everything.

5. Arriving late in the exam room. It is recommended that one arrives in the exam room at least twenty or so minutes before the exam starts. This allows for proper preparation and adequate time to relax. Avoid being late as this will disorient you in one way or another.

6. Coming in the exam room without all the equipment. Lets face it. Some of us avoid certain equipment only to realize that they are required in the examination. Equipment such as rulers, pencils, erasers and of course an extra pen! The paper may surprise us, requiring the use of pencils, rulers and the likes, for example in drawing graphs. We'll then resort to borrowing from colleagues which may result to time wastage.

7. Unregulated eating and drinking. For starters, don't eat something that you haven't eaten before. You never know if it may cause stomach upset or something even worse. Also, don't take lots of drinks as the natural body functions will prompt you to rush to the lavatories, and this may EAT up some of your time. Eat and drink as you normally do.

8. Rushing to answer questions. Now the exams are on the desk. You have already quickly perused through the paper and seen that you can do a number of questions. Don't rush! Read the instructions first. Do a proper analyzing and selection of your questions. Proceed then.

9. Writing in small or illegible handwriting. Try as much as possible to increase the font of your writing and at least write legibly. This will avoid you being marked wrong just because your content can't be clearly seen.

10. Leaving the answer sheet almost blank because you don't think you know the answer. Not that much of a problem but you should try to write something closely related to the question even if you are not sure its correct. You may get a mark or two just for trying. Have you ever asked yourself why one of the instructions is that you attempt the question? Yes. Attempt even if you're not sure. Try to correct these mistakes. You may just succeed in your examinations by doing so.

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