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How to choose the perfect day for a wedding.


Date Posted: 4/29/2012 12:43:53 PM

Posted By: SimonMburu  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 838

Setting the wedding date is the first step in planning a wedding. Putting into consideration that there are many things to pay attention to, this can be the most frustrating aspect of the wedding planning process. Blow is a glance description of some considerations towards planning for the big day.

Dream locations:
The location of the wedding whether a church or an open ground, needs early booking and perfect timing since their operations are based on availability. Most reception locations are on public demand and they might not be available on a certain date, it is therefore advisable to select a day when your location of choice is available and the whether is perfect for you. If this is not worked on appropriately, it would ruin that big day.

Holidays and seasons:
Having weddings during or near holidays or special occasions could lead to some problems one of them being guests, they might find it difficult to attend because holidays have a lot of hustles example in traveling, the bus fares could be hiked.
The other demerit of having weddings during this time is the hiked prices of commodities and hired services like the florist and wedding grounds.

Work and school schedules:
One must be able to take some time off work or school for the wedding. Schools might not be flexible but the boss will probably be. It is also advisable to check with both the employer's vocational policies before the date is selected.

Which day of the week?
Most weddings are held on Saturdays because it is quite convenient for guests living in the outskirts of town and it gives everybody ample time to prepare. On the other hand, Saturdays might be expensive because photographers, reception halls or caterers might hike their prices because of high demand for the services.

Planning a wedding during a tourist high

season or holiday might mean an expensive honeymoon. Choosing a low season wedding will enable you to enjoy the best honeymoon destinations at a lesser cost.

Consult key participants:
If a family member will be contained somewhere, it is good to consult them earlier and set a when they will be free. It is also advisable to avoid considering so many people as this will ruin your day and plans.

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