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How to stop bullying in Kenyan schools


Date Posted: 5/2/2012 11:01:29 AM

Posted By: SimonMburu  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 838

Expert research has shown that most bullies become hardcore criminals when they grow up hence becoming the rotten potato in the society. Bullies are known to inflict long life difficulties with self esteem, anxiety and depression apart from causing physical injuries to their victims.

Research has also proven that today's anti-bullying education worsens the situation. The strategies imposed by this education have recorded success only to mild bullies, but to meaner bullies, or a group of bullies it becomes more difficult.

Below are ways of dealing with bullying in schools in Kenya:

It is good to avoid minimizing the bully's behavior and don't tell the opposite party to fight back.

Call the police whenever a physical violence escalates, which is likely if there are no early interventions.

If a violence erupts, it is good to report bullying to school personnel.

Whenever dealing with a bully, bear in mind that most bullies are serial offenders (just like any typical criminal) and they grow to become robbers with violence and other forms of criminal

Confronting the bully can be done in a meeting with the school's staff and the parents. However, the parents might think that their child is being picked and the defense mechanism might be based towards their child.

Debugging a bully at an early age may bear fruits and save the future victims such as school mates and neighbors.

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