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Briefly describe any three factors that affect the occurrence of underground water.


Briefly describe any three factors that affect the occurrence of underground water.



The precipitation and evaporation in an area
If the precipitation in a given area is high and the evaporation low then more water is likely to enter the ground into the saturated zone hence the water table is closer to the surface. In drier areas the evaporation is high hence the water table is low and farther away from the surface

The level of saturation of the ground
Dry ground absorbs a lot of water. However as the air spaces fill up, the rate of infiltration is reduced. The drier the ground, the higher the rate of infiltration

The rate of percolation on steep slopes is low because most of the surface water forms runoff. In gentle slopes, the rate of percolation is high because of the flat nature of the landscape which allows water to move slowly thus giving adequate time for infiltration
Faimus answered the question on March 12, 2018 at 08:35

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