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(a) Describe the following leaching processes leading to the formation of various soil types. Ferralisation, Eluviation, Illuviation, Podzolisation, Calcification, Ribification, Salinisation (b) Differentiate between eluviation and illuviation.


(a) Describe the following leaching processes leading to the formation of various soil types.
(b) Differentiate between eluviation and illuviation.



Ferralisation is the process by which weathered material is removed in solution or in suspension from horizon A of soil to horizon B leading to the formation of red soils in horizon A
Eluviation is a type of leaching in which weathered material are moved in solution from horizon A to horizons B and C
Illuviation is the process by which soil materials which have been leached to horizon B are redeposited to horizon A. This leads to concentration of mineral content at horizon A.
Podzolisation is the process by which horizon A is heavily depleted of all minerals especially the bases making the soil acidic.
Calcification is limited leaching which allows the redeposition of calcium compounds within the same profile.
Ribification is a type of leaching in which soils are desiccated during the dry season and leached during the rainy season.
Salinisation is a process in which soils are leached upward through capillarity.

Eluviation involves movement of weathered materials from horizon A to horizon B and C while illuviation involves redeposition of soil materials to horizon A from horizon B

Faimus answered the question on March 16, 2018 at 18:50

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