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What were the results of World War II?


Mention the results of World War II.



(i) Gave rise to Cold War which involved the super powers winning allies through ideologies, military, technical and economic assistance.

(ii) Led to political changes in Europe as citizens had lost trust in the existing governments.

(iii) Led to huge debts accumulated on European nations because of huge borrowing during the war.

(iv) Caused unemployment following the demobilisation of soldiers and prisoners of war.

(v) Led to homelessness, displacements and refugee situation.
For example,Jews were forced out of Germany.

(vi) Led to the creation of Israel in 1948 with the intention of settling the Jews.

(vii) Led to the division of Germany into East and West Germany.

(viii) Stimulated economic co-operation especially in Europe.

(ix) Encouraged engineering sector by building military bridges, oil pipelines and airports.

(x) Slowed and destroyed the infrastructure and industrial development and economies.

(xi) Led to increased mistrust and confrontation among nations as a result of massive destruction during the war.

(xii) Led to spread of infectious diseases like tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections.

(xiii) Led to the emergence of world super powers like USA and USSR.

maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 24, 2017 at 06:48

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