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Explain the effectiveness of the songs in Caucasian chalk circle


Explain the effectiveness of the songs in Caucasian chalk circle.



Many songs have been sung by Arkadi and other characters in the play.Some are at the beginning of the scene,others within the scenes and at the of the scene.The governor is introduced through a song. Before we meet him we are told about what kind of a person he is:"He was very rich as Croesus, he had a beautiful wife,he had a healthy baby"
We learn that he has many beggars and petitioners whom he ignores.This song juxtaposes the rich governor with the majority poor folks who wait for hand outs in form of coins which are distributed by a servant.
Simon Shashava and Grusha are introduced to us before meet them.We learn of their relationship. The song on page 18 is summative.It summarizes the action.
The governor's palace foreshadows restlessness. The palace is said to be a fortress bit is surrounded by soldiers. We anticipate the death of the governor."...noon was the hour to die."These words are followed by the appearance of the Fat Prince.
The stage is set for the execution of the governor by the fat prince.The tension surrounding the governor's execution is found in the song on page 20,in the song the stage directions are given for example "...look about you once more blind man!"
Grusha's action of taking the abandoned Michael is brought out through a song ,she does what the singer says.
Grusha's flight into the mountains with Michael is captured in a song.She sang a song and brought milk on the way.The song preempt the action of bargaining for milk with the old man.The ironshirts feelings are captured in their song.They go into war leaving behind their lovers(page33).The song on page 35 reveals Grusha 's mixed feelings of happiness and sadness after she abandons Michael at the peasant's doorstep.
Azdak sings the song of injustice in Persia which was sang to him by his grandfather.It shows instances of injustice and effects of the war.
Real Educator answered the question on July 2, 2018 at 17:20

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