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(a) What is artificial intelligence as used in computer? (b) State and describe any three areas of artificial intelligence.


(i) What is artificial intelligence as used in computer?

(ii) State and describe any three areas of artificial intelligence.



(a) Artificial Intelligence in computers is the ability of computer programs or machines to think and learn just like human beings. It aims at creating intelligent machines

(b) i. Expert systems.
This is software designed to make a computer operate at the level of a human expert in a specific narrow area of specialization.

ii. Natural Language processing.
It is aimed at coming up with programming languages that would make computers recognize and understand natural languages.

iii. Artificial neural network.
It is the use of electronic devices and software to emulate the cognitive learning process of the human brain and how it recognize patterns.

iv. Robotics/perception systems.
This the process of coming up with robots that will incorporate perception systems. i.e sensing devices that emulate the five common sense of a human being.
Ms kim answered the question on November 15, 2018 at 06:32

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