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Highlight six measures that should be put in place in order to make on-line business networking more beneficial to an enterprise.


Highlight six measures that should be put in place in order to make on-line business networking more beneficial to an enterprise.



Six measures that should be put in place in order to make an on-line business networking more beneficial to an enterprise

1. Monitor your online persona

Just like you update your resume on a regular basis, you need to periodically run a web search on your own name to see what turns up in your online persona. Sometimes you can get erroneous information corrected, but often the easiest strategy is to make sure there is lots of accurate, current information about you, so the older, inaccurate information gets pushed further, down in the search results.

2. Build quality relationships

Just because your profile is connected to someone else‘s profile online, it doesn't mean you have a personal connection with them. True networking is not about maximizing the number of electronic connections, but about building quality relationships with fellow professionals. Take the time to comment on your connections status updates, answer questions in discussions groups, and forward information they will find useful.

3. Etiquette counts

When joining a new forum or trying out a new online tool, do your homework first Just like you wouldn't run a new reaction without reading the literature, learn the written and unwritten rules for a newly community before jumping in. Some communities are highly structured and formal, and posting anything personal or off-topic will immediately brand you an outsider. Others are much more casual, and off-topic personal comments are allowed, or even expected. Knowing the tenor of the group, and how personal or professional members are, will allow you to frame your postings appropriately and appear neither too aloof nor too flippant.

4. Contribute

Just reading discussions is useful for you, but adding to the conversation allows you to help others. As you contribute meaningful information, insights and resources, you are also building your own reputation as a knowledgeable expert, increasing the amount of positive information about you online, and making it even more likely that people will be able to find you

5, Think before you post

You may delete or forget what you wrote, but the internet will not. In addition, what you send privately to one person may be forwarded over and over again. Assume everyone .will see anything you write, If you want to make sure it stays private, make a phone call, or just don‘t say it. The bottom line is that as long as you don‘t do anything online that you wouldn't do in person, online networking can be a great way to nurture and expand your professional network
marto answered the question on January 30, 2019 at 10:27

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