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State ten factors which have facilitated industrialization in the third world countries


State ten factors which have facilitated industrialization in the third world countries



i) Availability of raw materials

ii) Availability of cheap labour (both skilled and unskilled)

iii) Acquisition of relevant technological knows how

iv) Existence of some indigenous industries which provide the foundation for the process of industrialization

v) Facilitated diversifications of the economy of the third world countries/banking/insurance

vi) Promoted urbanization in the third world countries

vii) Led to the degeneration in the third world countries

viii) Led to the development of transport and communication eg roads and telecommunication systems

ix) Increased agricultural production because farmers are aspired of a ready market in the agro based industries

x) Has led to the provision of social amenities such a§ schools and hospitals
lemass answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 09:56

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