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Which factors favoured the development of industries in Britain?


which factors favoured the development of industries in Britain?



i) Availability of resources like energy for use in industries Eg cola

ii) Existence of a large population which provided steady market for her manufactured goods/domestic market

iii) Availability of external markets in her colonies for her industrial goods,

iv) Availability of iron ore for heavy industries

v) Existence of cottage industries which acted as a base for industrial expansion,

vi) Availability of labour force especially following the displacement of the people from the rural areas as a result of the Agrarian Revolutions

vii) Existence of capitals/entrepreneurs, who were willing to invest in the industries,

viii) Political stability and strong leadership that existed at the time created conducive atmosphere for investment

ix) Well developed transport and communication network Eg railway and canals/roads

x) Agrarian Revolution increased food for industrial workers and raw materials for industries,

xi) Scientific innovations led to the improvement and expansions of industries/technical know how

xii) Existing banks and insurance systems gave financial help and security to the industrialists,

xiii) Britain had a strong navy which protected her merchants from foreign competition/protection against sea pirates,

xiv) Britain's policy of free trade encouraged industrialization
lemass answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 10:16

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