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THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE BY BERTLOIT BRETCH 'Bad governance breeds conflicts and suffering.' Show the truthfulness of the above statement using illustrations from Bertloit Bretch's play,...



'Bad governance breeds conflicts and suffering.' Show the truthfulness of the above statement using illustrations from Bertloit Bretch's play, The Caucasian chalk Circle




Irresponsible and incompetent leaders are likely to cause serious conflicts that cause a lot of suffering to their subjects. This is exactly witnessed in the Caucasian Chalk Circle where a lot of suffering is experienced.
Accept any other plausible introduction.


GI. - In the prologue we meet two groups of farmers who are in a conflict about the ownership of a particular piece of land. Each side justifies why it should own the valley in a heated argument. A delegate from the State Construction Commission arbitrates the conflict. The valley is given to the fruit farmers. The goat herders suffer from the fact that legally the land belonged to them.

GII. Grand Duke and governor George Abashwili are incompetent and inefficient. Their people suffer a lot. On Easter Sunday, we see Many beggars, petitioners, emaciated children and people walking in crutches blocking the governors way to the church. Iron shirts mercilessly whip the people to prevent them from issuing petitions to the governor. The governor also intends to extend the Eastern Wing of the Palace. Slums must be brought down for this to happen. The princes and Prince Kazbeki stage a coup easily. Their poor governance causes suffering to the people of Grusinia.
GIII . Bad governance makes people to be violent, cruel and inhuman. The Fat Prince overthrows his brother and beheads him. His head is nailed on the wall. The old peasant man is indifferent to Michael?s hunger. He demands a lot of piasters for a pitcher of milk.

The peasant woman fears and discloses to the Iron shirts that Grusha was the owner of the child, despite the danger of that information. This shows that people lack moral conscience due to bad governance.
G IV - Poor governance gives birth to socio-political as well as economic instability. In Grusinia there are coups and counter-
coups. The coups makes people suffer since they are forced to relocate to other places as internally displaced People. Grand Duke escapes arrest and is hosted by Azdak. Natella runs away to safety and abandons Michael. Grusha and Michael run to the Northern Moutains. The Princes are also overthrown by the Grand Duke with the assistance of Shah of Persia. Grand Duke reinstates an incompetent person to office - Judge Adzak. Accept any other relevant points.


To conclude, it is evident that bad governance causes suffering and pain to people as illustrated in Grusinia. The short: The white Hands.
marto answered the question on April 9, 2019 at 05:09

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