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Ilieva Emilia and Waveney Olembo (Ed.) - When the Sun Goes Down and other Stories 'Colonialism has brought negative effects in Africa'. Validate the above statement...


Ilieva Emilia and Waveney Olembo (Ed.) - When the Sun Goes Down and other Stories

'Colonialism has brought negative effects in Africa'. Validate the above statement drawing illustrations from the story, White Hands by Jane Katijavivi.




Colonialism is evil and it brings untold suffering to human beings. Its effects are negative and should be condemned. Accept any other relevant introduction.


CI - The Colonial Masters use their agents to brutalize their subjects. Young white Soldiers had been conscripted to Namibia to fight those who wanted freedom. Angelika also said that the Namibia she left behind was militarized. Political leaders were tortured, detained or forced to exile. Only the church comes up with projects to help the people.
CII - Colonialism has resulted to poor social services. Tembi, Angelika?s friend advises her to seek treatment in England because there are chances that she would receive poor treatment in their country. It is evident that roads in the rural areas are unserviced. In the reserves there is no enough water.
CIII - Colonialism has effected abuse of human rights. Angelika had trouble in getting children and before going to England she is resigned to the fact she will not have children. It is in England that doctors inform her that she had been sterilized. To make the matters worse, this had been done against her will as she had not signed the consent form. All Angelika knows is that she had an operation to remove an appendix.

CIV - colonialism has brought about poverty. Namibia has been portrayed as a picture of poverty. “There was not much privacy …. The walls in their bedroom” Pg 196. It is a squalid little room which has to house Angelika, her husband and three girls they have taken in. The writer tells us that back in England Angelika could nurse her pregnancy as she could afford to eat well, because her scholarship allowed her the fruits and vegetables that were difficult to afford at home.

CV - Racial discrimination is also an aftermath of colonialism. Roads that were leading to white commercial farms were maintained, while those to the reserves, where African had been pushed by the Colonialists were unkempt, pgs 197. Mothers have also to drop their children very early to the school that Angelika taught as they boarded buses to go to work in the white surburbs. Pg192.

*Accept any other relevant points.


In conclusion, the story explorers the evils of colonialism. Most of which have brought pain and suffering to the victims. *Accept any other valid conclusion
marto answered the question on April 9, 2019 at 05:11

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