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Why is Shifting cultivation discouraged in modern times?


Why is Shifting cultivation discouraged in modern times?



(i) The people practicing it usually live low standards of living since yields drop drastically after three to four years of continuous cultivation

(ii) Creates unemployment to the farmer most of the year hence a waste of human resources

(iii) It is a labour intensive method and consumes labour and energy which could be used more productively elsewhere

(iv) It requires large tracks of land which are increasingly becoming unavailable to the ever increasing population

(v) It is environmentally damaging since it involves clearing and burning of bushes/forests

(vi) It is an inefficient system since its produce can only support a relatively small number of people

(vii) It is a wasteful method as land is left to lie fallow for upto two decades
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 15, 2019 at 07:30

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