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'Majdy's stay in London makes him indifferent to his people.' Drawing from Leila Aboulela'sMissing Out, write an essay showing the truth of this statement.


'Majdy's stay in London makes him indifferent to his people.' Drawing from Leila Aboulela'sMissing
Out, write an essay showing the truth of this statement.




Indifference is sometimes as a result of the life we would want to forget. In Leila Aboulela's story Missing Out, Majdy is indifferent not only to his wife but to the culture of his people and their religion.


Majdy's stay in London makes him indifferent to his people. He does not participate in the demonstrations of students protesting the injustices they face as he is busy chasing numerous grants for his postgraduate research.
He does not follow the strict prayer routine and does not even have a prayer mat. He is bored that his wife keeps asking about the prayer timetable and how it looks different from the one back home.

He concentrates more on his studies and not on the strict timelines of payers as his religion dictates. He even tells Samra that he cannot do the Friday prayers because he will be in class then. He wants to enjoy civilized and lively London and even tells his wife Samra not to nag him. He does not want to be inconvenienced by prayer.

He sees Khartoum as a place that hinders one because of the constant coups, new laws and doctor's strikes. He feels that life among his people is unaffordable. As a lecturer, he cannot be paid enough to live in a place of his own, Moreover, his wife would complain if he lived with his parents as she would not get along with his mother. He does not want to waste time with other intellectuals discussing politics and he wants to get away from such an atmosphere. He does not want to be associated with fanatics and the backwardness of his people. The new life promised opportunities he could not get in Khartoum.

He feels his people are centuries behind in terms of technology and knowledge. He allows his wife to go home for a while but he refuses to leave London. He has no interest in relocating or even visiting Khartoum.


Majdy is indifferent because his exposure in London has made him see some of the things that his people are yet to experience like efficiency in communication and provision of basic needs. He does not want to go back to the backwardness of the uncivilized Khartoum.
marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 07:21

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