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Impact of population growth on a development of Kenya


Date Posted: 12/2/2011 9:13:27 AM

Posted By: Wishstar  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 7507

The size of a country's population is a major factor determining the rate of development in most developing countries. The difference between mortality and fertility is the main factor that determines the growth of a country's population. When the population is higher than economic growth, there are are consequences that come up with it. These include;

1. A lot of pressure is put on socioeconomic infrastructure

2. There is high demand for consumable goods

3. There is increased unemployment

4. High economic burden on the working class. This is due to high dependency ratio

5. It contributes to urban growth which has its own associated problems e.g pollution, congestion and insecurity.

6. Increased rural-urban migration.

Some of the reasons that may bring about high population growth rates include;

i. High illiteracy levels
ii. Idleness
iii. Early marriages
iv. Poverty which may cause some people not to have access to family planning methods
v. Perceived high child mortality rates
vi. Cultural beliefs that many children are a source of security.

Their should be put up population control measures which will allow the population to be at manageable levels. One of the ways may be to reduce fertility rates. This would result to smaller families and should be done through development induced motivations, family planning programmers, providing both the education and the technological means to regulate fertility for those who wish to regulate it. In order to achieve this, developed countries should assist developing countries to achieve their lowered fertility and mortality in order to induce development.

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